$RCSfile: imapsync,v $ $Revision: 1.310 $ $Date: 2010/02/26 01:24:59 $
Here is a [linux] system (Linux DS408 #1285 Mon Aug 16 05:17:15 CST 2010 ppc)
with perl 5.8.8
Mail::IMAPClient 3.21 and the module Mail::IMAPClient version used here is 3.21
Command line used:
/opt/bin/imapsync --folderrec INBOX --folderrec Gesendete Elemente --nofoldersizes --subscribe --syncinternaldates --delete2 --expunge2 --authmech1 LOGIN --host1 --user1 catchall --password1 MASKED --authmech2 LOGIN --host2 --user2 catchall --password2 MASKED
Temp directory is /tmp
Turned ON syncinternaldates, will set the internal dates (arrival dates) on host2 same as host1.
$RCSfile: imapsync,v $ $Revision: 1.310 $ $Date: 2010/02/26 01:24:59 $
Here is a [linux] system (Linux DS408 #1285 Mon Aug 16 05:17:15 CST 2010 ppc)
with perl 5.8.8
Mail::IMAPClient 3.21 and the module Mail::IMAPClient version used here is 3.21
Command line used:
/opt/bin/imapsync --folderrec INBOX --folderrec Gesendete Elemente --nofoldersizes --subscribe --syncinternaldates --delete2 --expunge2 --authmech1 LOGIN --host1 --user1 internetmails --password1 MASKED --authmech2 LOGIN --host2 --user2 internetmails --password2 MASKED
Temp directory is /tmp
Turned ON syncinternaldates, will set the internal dates (arrival dates) on host2 same as host1.
$RCSfile: imapsync,v $ $Revision: 1.310 $ $Date: 2010/02/26 01:24:59 $
Here is a [linux] system (Linux DS408 #1285 Mon Aug 16 05:17:15 CST 2010 ppc)
with perl 5.8.8
Mail::IMAPClient 3.21 and the module Mail::IMAPClient version used here is 3.21
Command line used:
/opt/bin/imapsync --folderrec INBOX --folderrec Gesendete Elemente --nofoldersizes --subscribe --syncinternaldates --delete2 --expunge2 --authmech1 LOGIN --host1 --user1 matthias --password1 MASKED --authmech2 LOGIN --host2 --user2 matthias --password2 MASKED
Temp directory is /tmp
Turned ON syncinternaldates, will set the internal dates (arrival dates) on host2 same as host1.
$RCSfile: imapsync,v $ $Revision: 1.310 $ $Date: 2010/02/26 01:24:59 $
Here is a [linux] system (Linux DS408 #1285 Mon Aug 16 05:17:15 CST 2010 ppc)
with perl 5.8.8
Mail::IMAPClient 3.21 and the module Mail::IMAPClient version used here is 3.21
Command line used:
/opt/bin/imapsync --folderrec INBOX --folderrec Gesendete Elemente --nofoldersizes --subscribe --syncinternaldates --delete2 --expunge2 --authmech1 LOGIN --host1 --user1 spielclub --password1 MASKED --authmech2 LOGIN --host2 --user2 spielclub --password2 MASKED
Temp directory is /tmp
Turned ON syncinternaldates, will set the internal dates (arrival dates) on host2 same as host1.