jDownloader JDownloader 2 (noarch) / Paketzentrum

Version von Neutron ist 2.0. Soll ich das Update machen oder muss man was beachten?

I followed the manual process to install JD on my NAS DS214se, I have used the PC version, Java Manager with Java 7, webconsole.

Initially worked, but after some updates does not want to leave. I tried several times to perform the procedure but to no avail ...

Then I tried the second method (**External links are only visible to Supporters**
- Open the center pack on my DS
- Add under Settings-> Repositories **External links are only visible to Supporters**
- I went to the center packages but did not find any package JDownloader
- I downloaded the package manually (**External links are only visible to Supporters**)
- Currently version is 2.0-006 though the status is stopped because when I try to launch the package stops
- In the main menu I have the icon JDownloader 2 but it makes me only access the site http://my.jdownloader.org/

Can someone please help me?

ich weiß, es ist eher ein JDownloader Thema, könnte aber auch mit dem Paket zusammenhängen. Unter Windows geht es nämlich ;-)

Wie schaffe ich es, dass der JDownloader die Downloads selbstständig nach einem Reboot startet?
Bisher macht er nach dem Reboot nix und wartet darauf, dass ich ihm über das Web Interface das GO gebe :-(

"General - Auto Start Download Option" habe ich bereits auf ALWAYS gestellt
"General - Auto Start Countdown Seconds" auf 0.

oder kann das Ding in dieser Version kein Autostart???
Bei jeder Neuinstallation oder auch bei einem Update lädt JDownloader im Hintergrund erst einige Dateien herunter, dieser Prozess lässt sich auch nicht verändern, das geht von JDownloader aus nicht wirklich anders. Aufgrund des neuen Start-/Stop Skriptes dauert es daher unter Umständen einige Minuten bis der Status "läuft" erscheint. Hier nicht ungeduldig werden, ist das ein mal abgeschlossen, startet oder stoppt das Paket innerhalb von Sekunden. Wer mit der Shell firm genug ist kann auch einfach mal in den Installationsordner von JD wechseln und schauen ab wann dort eine "JDownloader.pid" vorhanden ist, erst ab da läuft der Prozess richtig.
- Currently version is 2.0-006 though the status is stopped because when I try to launch the package stops
- In the main menu I have the icon JDownloader 2 but it makes me only access the site http://my.jdownloader.org/

Can someone please help me?

As already said, please dont manually install the Package, it work's, but it's not the way it is meant. If you added my package source, you have to refresh package list, now look under community, you will find the package. If you do a fresh install, or a update, JDownloader downloads several files in background, this can take some minutes (depends on your internet connection and server status where the files are hosted). If this process is finished, package status will be "running" and you can access this instance via my.jdownloader.org or the shortcut under programs. Just a little bit patience.
As already said, please dont manually install the Package, it work's, but it's not the way it is meant. If you added my package source, you have to refresh package list, now look under community, you will find the package. If you do a fresh install, or a update, JDownloader downloads several files in background, this can take some minutes (depends on your internet connection and server status where the files are hosted). If this process is finished, package status will be "running" and you can access this instance via my.jdownloader.org or the shortcut under programs. Just a little bit patience.

I found your package (center packages> community) and I have installed it (version 2.0-006), then I launched it but the package is "not running". In fact, if I go my.jdownloader.org, I find no instance.

I would like to understand where I'm wrong to also help the 'cousins' of synologyitalia
I found your package (center packages> community) and I have installed it (version 2.0-006), then I launched it but the package is "not running". In fact, if I go my.jdownloader.org, I find no instance.

I would like to understand where I'm wrong to also help the 'cousins' of synologyitalia

As i already said, patience! Go to the package center, start the package once (as you did) and then just wait some minutes. It will download stuff in background. As soon as it is finished, package status show's "running" and you are good to go. Just close package center and re-open it to check the status.
As i already said, patience! Go to the package center, start the package once (as you did) and then just wait some minutes. It will download stuff in background. As soon as it is finished, package status show's "running" and you are good to go. Just close package center and re-open it to check the status.

Neutron I have a lot of patience, but if after hours or days I do not read "running" but the status is always "stopped", I believe that there is something wrong ... what I ask for your help to understand. Tell me If you need more information or screenshots to understand the problem
Neutron I have a lot of patience, but if after hours or days I do not read "running" but the status is always "stopped", I believe that there is something wrong ... what I ask for your help to understand. Tell me If you need more information or screenshots to understand the problem

Well, ok. Let's start at the beginning. Which DS do you have, whicih Java is installed ? Go to the shell, show me the directory listing of the JD Installation. Also right after you started the package, please show me the process list of the ds (ps|grep java). Let's see where we get.
Well, ok. Let's start at the beginning. Which DS do you have, whicih Java is installed ? Go to the shell, show me the directory listing of the JD Installation. Also right after you started the package, please show me the process list of the ds (ps|grep java). Let's see where we get.

DS 214se
Java 7u60
Directory inside JDownloader:
I need a little more input here. As i said, please go to the shell, start the package in package center, do a "ps|grep java" on the shell. I need this output.

Also do a "java -version" on the shell, does this produce any output? It seems your java setup is not working, JDownloader was not even started at all.
I need a little more input here. As i said, please go to the shell, start the package in package center, do a "ps|grep java" on the shell. I need this output.

Also do a "java -version" on the shell, does this produce any output? It seems your java setup is not working, JDownloader was not even started at all.

I try several times to launch the package in the center of the package, but is always "stopped"

Java works because I use JD installed manually, this is the a "ps|grep java" on the shell:

29566 root 248m S /volume1/@appstore/JavaManager/Java/jre/bin/java -ja
30641 root 3996 S sh -c ps|grep java 2>&1
30643 root 4004 S grep java
Wait, you are running a second, manually installed JDownload parallel ? This won't work. Also i need to the see the full process list, this is all crippled.
Etwas Offtopic zwar:

Bei dem Spindown/Hibernatebug steht ja: "Target version: 020 - Next Release 2.0" - hört sich für mich so an, als ob es erst mit der Final veröffentlicht wird?!

Oder jemand eine Idee wo ich das lokal sehen kann ob der Fix mit in ein Update eingeflossen ist?!
sehr nice! Kann das schon jemand bestätigen?

Das war vor 4 Monaten... Ich habe meine 415+ ziemlich neu (ja, auch neuesten DSM) und habe außer den Standards (PhotoStation etc) nur den JDownloader installiert und die DS ging nicht mehr in den Standbymodus... Also immer schön den Dienst ausschalten.

Welche Dienste laufen denn noch so über den Tag? Sie geht immer wieder einmal an oder muss ich zu Hause ein paar Geräten den Zugriff verweigern?

Nebenbei: Sind ja nur noch 503 Tickets die geschlossen werden müssen bis zum nächsten Release :rolleyes:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


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