chmod 774 rkhcmd.sh
Der Pfad ist dem System nicht bekannt, deshalb kann er ihn auch nicht finden.Hi,
ich nochmal.. mir ist eben aufgefallen, dass RKHunter nicht über die Shell startet.
Es wird laut Shell nicht gefunden.
Muss ich den noch irgendwo registrieren, dass das System das Programm kennt?
Das ist so vom rkhunter vorgegeben, evtl. kannst du das mit ein paar grep's selbst anpassen und dir nur die wichtigen Meldungen anzeigen lassen.Gibt es eigentlich eine Möglichkeit sich die Log schöner auswerten zu lassen?
Die ganzen [OK] - Zeilen nerven beim prüfen der Logs..
haben geklapptipkg install coreutils findutils file lsof
Installation Init_3rdparty: über Packagemanager -> ok, run- > ok
Installation RKH: Packatemanager -> ok, run -> ok,
Auswahl DSM->RKH: Aufforderung zum Download -> go
Dies ist erfolgreich gewesen
Ein erste Scan wir vorgeschlagen, gestartetRich (BBCode):Installation successful! You have installed Rootkit Hunter the first time, it is nessessary to do a first scan!
Rich (BBCode):Error Invalid STARTUP_PATHS configuration option: the name does not exist: /opt/etc/init.d
Das ging wohl schief
ipkg, ipkg.conf rc.optware wgetrc
[15:09:27] System checks summary
[15:09:28] =====================
[15:09:28] File properties checks...
[15:09:28] Required commands check failed
[15:09:28] Files checked: 169
[15:09:28] Suspect files: 0
[15:09:28] Rootkit checks...
[15:09:29] Rootkits checked : 159
[15:09:29] Possible rootkits: 0
[15:09:29] Applications checks...
[15:09:29] Applications checked: 4
[15:09:29] Suspect applications: 2
[15:09:30] The system checks took: 11 minutes and 29 seconds
[15:09:30] Info: End date is Sat Mar 12 15:09:30 CET 2011
[11:18:36] Info: Starting file properties data update...
[11:18:36] Info: Created temporary file '/usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty/rkhunter/rkhunter/files/rkhunter.dat.hgorZz438W'
[11:18:36] Collecting O/S info...
[11:18:36] Info: Found system architecture: armv5tel
[11:18:36] Info: Unable to find a release file: LS output shows:
[11:18:36] Info: Found O/S name: Linux
[11:18:46] Getting file properties...
[11:18:48] Warning: No hash value found for file '/opt/bin/find'
[11:18:48] The file is a broken link: /opt/bin/find -> /volume1/@optware/bin/findutils-find
[11:19:10] Warning: No hash value found for file '/volume1/@optware/bin/find'
[11:19:10] The file is a broken link: /volume1/@optware/bin/find -> /volume1/@optware/bin/findutils-find
[ Rootkit Hunter version 1.3.8 ][1;33mChecking system commands...[0;39m Performing 'strings' command checks Checking 'strings' command[31C[ [1;33mSkipped[0;39m ] Performing 'shared libraries' checks Checking for preloading variables[24C[ [1;32mNone found[0;39m ] Checking for preloaded libraries[25C[ [1;32mNone found[0;39m ] Checking LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable[24C[ [1;33mSkipped[0;39m ] Performing file properties checks Checking for prerequisites[31C[ [1;31mWarning[0;39m ] /opt/bin/basename[40C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/cat[45C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/chmod[43C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/chown[43C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/chroot[42C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/cp[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/cut[45C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/date[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/df[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/dirname[41C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/du[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/echo[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/env[45C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/find[44C[ [1;31mWarning[0;39m ] /opt/bin/groups[42C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/head[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/id[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/kill[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/ls[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/md5sum[42C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/mktemp[42C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/mv[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/pwd[45C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/readlink[40C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/runcon[42C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/sha1sum[41C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/sha224sum[39C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/sha256sum[39C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/sha384sum[39C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/sha512sum[39C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/sort[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/stat[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/su[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/tail[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/test[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/touch[43C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/tr[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/uname[43C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/uniq[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/users[43C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/wc[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/wget[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/who[45C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/whoami[42C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-basename[30C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-cat[35C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-chmod[33C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-chown[33C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-chroot[32C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-cp[36C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-cut[35C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-date[34C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-df[36C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-dirname[31C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-du[36C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-echo[34C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-env[35C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-groups[32C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-head[34C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-id[36C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-kill[34C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-ls[36C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ]
Checking version of Procmail MTA[25C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] Checking version of OpenSSH[30C[ [1;31mWarning[0;39m ]System checks summary=====================File properties checks... Required commands check failed Files checked: 241 Suspect files: 2Rootkit checks... Rootkits checked : 159 Possible rootkits: 0Applications checks... Applications checked: 4 Suspect applications: 1The system checks took: 5 minutes and 44 secondsAll results have been written to the log file (/usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty/rkhunter/logs/rkhunter_2011-07-30_112438.log)One or more warnings have been found while checking the system.Please check the log file (/usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty/rkhunter/logs/rkhunter_2011-07-30_112438.log)
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