- Mitglied seit
- 27. Jul 2011
- Beiträge
- 74
- Punkte für Reaktionen
- 0
- Punkte
- 0
Sorry, natürlich hier nochmal korrigiert:
Beim Scannen oder Update bekomme ich immer eine Meldung über broken links:
Weiß jemand Rat?
Ich danke euch,
Beim Scannen oder Update bekomme ich immer eine Meldung über broken links:
[11:18:36] Info: Starting file properties data update...
[11:18:36] Info: Created temporary file '/usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty/rkhunter/rkhunter/files/rkhunter.dat.hgorZz438W'
[11:18:36] Collecting O/S info...
[11:18:36] Info: Found system architecture: armv5tel
[11:18:36] Info: Unable to find a release file: LS output shows:
[11:18:36] Info: Found O/S name: Linux
[11:18:46] Getting file properties...
[11:18:48] Warning: No hash value found for file '/opt/bin/find'
[11:18:48] The file is a broken link: /opt/bin/find -> /volume1/@optware/bin/findutils-find
[11:19:10] Warning: No hash value found for file '/volume1/@optware/bin/find'
[11:19:10] The file is a broken link: /volume1/@optware/bin/find -> /volume1/@optware/bin/findutils-find
Gibts da ne möglichkeit, die zu fixen bzw. zu ignorieren? Scheinen gleich mehrere zu sein.
Beim Scannen kommt auch diese monströse Meldung:
Rich (BBCode):
[ Rootkit Hunter version 1.3.8 ][1;33mChecking system commands...[0;39m Performing 'strings' command checks Checking 'strings' command[31C[ [1;33mSkipped[0;39m ] Performing 'shared libraries' checks Checking for preloading variables[24C[ [1;32mNone found[0;39m ] Checking for preloaded libraries[25C[ [1;32mNone found[0;39m ] Checking LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable[24C[ [1;33mSkipped[0;39m ] Performing file properties checks Checking for prerequisites[31C[ [1;31mWarning[0;39m ] /opt/bin/basename[40C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/cat[45C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/chmod[43C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/chown[43C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/chroot[42C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/cp[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/cut[45C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/date[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/df[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/dirname[41C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/du[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/echo[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/env[45C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/find[44C[ [1;31mWarning[0;39m ] /opt/bin/groups[42C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/head[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/id[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/kill[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/ls[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/md5sum[42C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/mktemp[42C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/mv[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/pwd[45C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/readlink[40C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/runcon[42C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/sha1sum[41C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/sha224sum[39C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/sha256sum[39C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/sha384sum[39C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/sha512sum[39C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/sort[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/stat[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/su[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/tail[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/test[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/touch[43C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/tr[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/uname[43C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/uniq[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/users[43C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/wc[46C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/wget[44C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/who[45C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/whoami[42C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-basename[30C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-cat[35C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-chmod[33C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-chown[33C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-chroot[32C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-cp[36C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-cut[35C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-date[34C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-df[36C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-dirname[31C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-du[36C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-echo[34C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-env[35C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-groups[32C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-head[34C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-id[36C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-kill[34C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] /opt/bin/coreutils-ls[36C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ]
Checking version of Procmail MTA[25C[ [1;32mOK[0;39m ] Checking version of OpenSSH[30C[ [1;31mWarning[0;39m ]System checks summary=====================File properties checks... Required commands check failed Files checked: 241 Suspect files: 2Rootkit checks... Rootkits checked : 159 Possible rootkits: 0Applications checks... Applications checked: 4 Suspect applications: 1The system checks took: 5 minutes and 44 secondsAll results have been written to the log file (/usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty/rkhunter/logs/rkhunter_2011-07-30_112438.log)One or more warnings have been found while checking the system.Please check the log file (/usr/syno/synoman/webman/3rdparty/rkhunter/logs/rkhunter_2011-07-30_112438.log)
Weiß jemand Rat?
Ich danke euch,
Zuletzt bearbeitet: