AvrLogger : Thermallogger und Visualisierung Tool

  • Aktuell gibt es ein Problem mit dem Mail-Versand. Der Mailversand ist deswegen gestoppt. Wir arbeiten dran.
You can Try this Way, Click here I´m hopefully it will work for you. Or you can add all of Synology Comunity Downloads in to the Package Center. It works fine.
Theese are not from Synology officially Download, but the Packages are regulary Secure and will working fine.

Phyton Community Download 1.jpgPhyton Community Download 2.jpg
Phyton Community Download 3.jpg
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Thank you for the answer.
Yes, I have these packages already installed:
Google Chrome-B-0419 1259@2x.png

Arc-DS - Synology NAS-0419 1326@2x.png

Here's the video: https://share.cleanshot.com/czHC0yzN

❯ synopkg list --name |sort |grep py
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Bei mir geht es auf der DS923+ leider auch nicht.


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Reaktionen: DaGrizzly und Tommes
Yes, apparently already...
  • Like
Reaktionen: maximator und Benie
Thank you! that package worked indeed.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
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Reaktionen: maxblank
Das hat nichts mit dem DSM oder deinem Gerät zu tun. Cphub liegt schon lange im Koma und keiner weiß, ob es mal wiederbelebt wird. Die meisten Pakete dort sind völlig veraltet, was auch der Grund für den Fehler bei diesem Paket ist.
Gibt es eine alternative Paketquelle, welche aktueller ist?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
siehe Post # 1586 :(
Habe ich mir schon fast gedacht, ich bin gerade die verschiedenen typischen Quellen durchgegangen, der Source Code liegt offiziell nirgends gehostet zur Verfügung.

Da das Paket unter einer GPL-Lizenz zur Verfügung steht, können wir das Paket einfach auspacken und daraus eigene Pakete gestalten.
Wäre die Frage, ob @BigRonin einen Einwand hätte bzw. ob jemand zu dem Benutzer in Kontakt steht.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Der Ersteller dieser App ist hier im Forum vertreten, kannst Dich ja mal mit ihm hierzu austauschen, siehe Post #1
... aber nicht mehr wirklich aktiv, oder? Sein letzter Beitrag stammt aus Juni 2023, wenn ich sein Profil richtig betrachtet habe.

Da das Paket unter einer GPL-Lizenz zur Verfügung steht, können wir das Paket einfach auspacken und daraus eigene Pakete gestalten.
Wäre die Frage, ob @BigRonin einen Einwand hätte...
Hätte er etwas dagegen, würde er seine Pakete wohl nicht unter der GPL-Lizenz stellen. Jedoch solltet ihr darauf achten, das wenn ihr das Paket, oder Teile davon verändert oder herauslöst und veröffentlicht, dies ebenfalls unter der GPL-Lizenz anzubieten. Bestenfalls mit einem Hinweis auf den Urheber des Quellcodes. Meine Pakete unterliegen ebenfalls der GPL3 und sind auf GitHub für jeden einsehbar. Genauso kann jeder einen Fork aus meinen Paketen basteln um es entweder mit mir zu teilen, oder um eine eigene Abwandlung meiner Pakete anzubieten. So sehe ich das jedenfalls
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hi BigRonin,

Sorry for my English, but unfortunately I don't speak German at all.

I successfully use your excellent AvrLogger on two old Synology NAS (1813+ and 1513+) with DSM 6.2.4-25556 Update 7 (Current for DSM6). Great thanks for a useful application!

Now I'm trying to setup AvrLogger on a new NAS and experienced a problem. AvrLogger shows only config page but does not show graph window.


  1. The hardware: RS3618xs
    DSM: 7.2.1-69057 Update 5 (Current)
    Language: English.

  2. I tried to set up from SynoCommulity but, as previously Gore here, got a problem with package py3k. So I used direct link provided by maxblank: https://luenepiet.de/public/Synology/AvrLogger (SPK)/. I downloaded this file: AvrLogger-noarch-v4.2.0-0404-DSM7.spk.

  3. This package installed successfully but after that I saw only one item in Main Menu: Avr-Settings. I run it, received the instruction to root the package, then performed the rooting: /var/packages/AvrLogger/scripts/start-stop-status root. After that, I got well-known AvrLogger config page after running Avr-Settings. The status of the package in Package center is: Running.

  4. I read that AvrLogger comes with two separate program parts: (1) Display of the line chart and (2) Calling up the settings, according the documentation.

  5. The problem is, I don't see the first (1) part of the program. I do not see two icons in main menu, only one: Avr-Settings. When clicking on it, I'm getting Config page. When clicking to AvrLogger icon on Package center, I'm getting the same Config page, not a Graph window.
Can you or anyone on this forum help me? Thank you in advance.
  • Like
Reaktionen: ded
  1. The problem is, I don't see the first (1) part of the program. I do not see two icons in main menu, only one: Avr-Settings. When clicking on it, I'm getting Config page. When clicking to AvrLogger icon on Package center, I'm getting the same Config page, not a Graph window.
Can you or anyone on this forum help me? Thank you in advance.
I have encountered the same issue, because I was too fast with installing and didn't read everything carefully.

You have to allow your own user or the desired users access on the AVR Chart application.

Den Usern die Anwendungen AVR-Chart und AVR Einstellungen zulassen.
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Reaktionen: ded und Benie
Thank you Benie and h3llghost, I have installed AvrLogger according to https://www.synology-forum.de/threa...isualisierung-tool.97025/page-76-post-1106386.

Now I see two icons on Main Menu. Avr-Settings icon opens config page in a new browser tab. But Avr-Chart icon opens another browser tab with an empty image (see picture attached). I expected that Avr-Chart will be opened in NAS desktop. And there is no image with graphs.

AvrLogger log:

2024.08.11 00:11:44 PostInst : INSTALL v4.2.0-0404
2024.08.11 00:11:44 PostInst : Directory structure "etc" created
2024.08.11 00:11:44 PostInst : Use of "Shared Memory" is enabled
2024.08.11 00:11:44 PostInst : Config "Default.cnf" created
2024.08.11 00:11:44 PostInst : Global TimeOut set to "5"
2024.08.11 00:11:44 AvrLogger v4.2.0-0404 INSTALL successful.
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Start "rooting" AvrLogger ...
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : APP Home : /volume1/@appstore/AvrLogger/ui
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : APP Conf : /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Changeing ownership to : root:root
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown root:root /volume1/@appstore/AvrLogger/ui/AvrLogger.py
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown root:root /volume1/@appstore/AvrLogger/ui/AvrChart.cgi
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown root:root /volume1/@appstore/AvrLogger/ui/AvrConfig.cgi
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown root:root /volume1/@appstore/AvrLogger/ui/AvrShedule.py
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown root:root /volume1/@appstore/AvrLogger/ui/Ajax.cgi
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Exchanging the AvrLogger SPK privileges ...
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Move : /volume1/@appstore/AvrLogger/ui/templates/root.txt
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : To : /var/packages/AvrLogger/conf/privilege
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Changeing ownership to : root:root
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown root:root /var/packages/AvrLogger/conf/privilege
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Restore appconf ownership to : AvrLogger:AvrLogger
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/tmp.log
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/tmp_err.log
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/config
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/config/log.conf
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/config/mail.conf
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/log
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/log/cpuScore
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/log/error
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/log/NewsAvrPKG
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/tmp
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/safe
2024.08.11 00:13:07 RootPKG : AvrLogger "successfully rooted".
2024.08.11 00:13:26 PKG: AvrLogger was started by CGI ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/AvrLogger.py", line 131, in
Init.init( AvrDebug=AvrDebug )
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/lib/Init.py", line 113, in init
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/lib/Sensors.py", line 104, in init
Storage() # --- Determine the number of available storagepool's:
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/lib/Sensors.py", line 648, in Storage
if iCache : iRaw, iGUI = _addPool( iDisk, iCache, asset.msg[ 'sysCacheName' ], iRaw, iGUI, iCache=True )
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/lib/Sensors.py", line 723, in _addPool
iNum = int( iDisk[ sDev ][ 'number' ] )
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '1-2'
2024.08.11 00:13:34 GUI: AvrLogger quit unexpectedly. Restart initiated ...
2024.08.11 00:13:34 PKG: AvrLogger was started by CGI ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/AvrLogger.py", line 131, in
Init.init( AvrDebug=AvrDebug )
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/lib/Init.py", line 113, in init
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/lib/Sensors.py", line 104, in init
Storage() # --- Determine the number of available storagepool's:
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/lib/Sensors.py", line 648, in Storage
if iCache : iRaw, iGUI = _addPool( iDisk, iCache, asset.msg[ 'sysCacheName' ], iRaw, iGUI, iCache=True )
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/lib/Sensors.py", line 723, in _addPool
iNum = int( iDisk[ sDev ][ 'number' ] )
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '1-2'
2024.08.11 00:13:44 GUI: AvrLogger quit unexpectedly. Restart initiated ...
2024.08.11 00:13:44 PKG: AvrLogger was started by CGI ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/AvrLogger.py", line 131, in
Init.init( AvrDebug=AvrDebug )
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/lib/Init.py", line 113, in init
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/lib/Sensors.py", line 104, in init
Storage() # --- Determine the number of available storagepool's:
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/lib/Sensors.py", line 648, in Storage
if iCache : iRaw, iGUI = _addPool( iDisk, iCache, asset.msg[ 'sysCacheName' ], iRaw, iGUI, iCache=True )
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/lib/Sensors.py", line 723, in _addPool
iNum = int( iDisk[ sDev ][ 'number' ] )
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '1-2'
2024.08.11 00:14:08 GUI: AvrLogger quit unexpectedly. Restart initiated ...
2024.08.11 00:14:08 PKG: AvrLogger was started by CGI ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/AvrLogger.py", line 131, in
Init.init( AvrDebug=AvrDebug )
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/lib/Init.py", line 113, in init
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/lib/Sensors.py", line 104, in init
Storage() # --- Determine the number of available storagepool's:
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/lib/Sensors.py", line 648, in Storage
if iCache : iRaw, iGUI = _addPool( iDisk, iCache, asset.msg[ 'sysCacheName' ], iRaw, iGUI, iCache=True )
File "/var/packages/AvrLogger/target/ui/lib/Sensors.py", line 723, in _addPool
iNum = int( iDisk[ sDev ][ 'number' ] )
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '1-2'
2024.08.11 00:14:10 GUI: AvrLogger quit unexpectedly. Restart initiated ...

Please help to get AvrLogger worked.


  • 2024-08-11_00-17-57.png
    5,3 KB · Aufrufe: 3
Adminrechten! sondern als admin) installieren.
Did you used the original Admin Count?

Did you run the script again under the admin account as root?

Did you give the corresponding user the rights for the AvrLogger?

Did you used the original Admin Count?

Yes, I unblocked real admin and installed the app under it.

Did you run the script again under the admin account as root?

Yes, I run rooting script under root account:

Task Scheduler has completed a scheduled task.

Standard output/error:
Check whether the system has the new FHS and whether it is affected
Check : /volume1/@appconf
Your system is [1;32mnot [0m affected.
Start "rooting" AvrLogger ...
APP Home : /volume1/@appstore/AvrLogger/ui
APP Conf : /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger
Changeing ownership to : root:root
Done : chown root:root /volume1/@appstore/AvrLogger/ui/AvrLogger.py
Done : chown root:root /volume1/@appstore/AvrLogger/ui/AvrChart.cgi
Done : chown root:root /volume1/@appstore/AvrLogger/ui/AvrConfig.cgi
Done : chown root:root /volume1/@appstore/AvrLogger/ui/AvrShedule.py
Done : chown root:root /volume1/@appstore/AvrLogger/ui/Ajax.cgi
Exchanging the AvrLogger SPK privileges ...
Move : /volume1/@appstore/AvrLogger/ui/templates/root.txt
To : /var/packages/AvrLogger/conf/privilege
Changeing ownership to : root:root
Done : chown root:root /var/packages/AvrLogger/conf/privilege
Restore appconf ownership to : AvrLogger:AvrLogger
Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger
Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/tmp.log
Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/tmp_err.log
Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/config
Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/config/log.conf
Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/config/mail.conf
Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/log
Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/log/cpuScore
Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/log/error
Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/log/NewsAvrPKG
Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/tmp
Done : chown AvrLogger:AvrLogger /volume1/@appconf/AvrLogger/safe
AvrLogger "successfully rooted".

Did you give the corresponding user the rights for the AvrLogger?


And under real admin, I see the same results too: Avr-Config OK, but Avr-Chart shows open new browser tab with non-existent picture.

So AvrLogger is still does not work. What can I do?
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