
  1. DaveR

    How to fix weird subtitles?

    Does anyone know how to fix subtitles that add 2 letters per line? I can't even find what this style of subtitle is called. I want to change an srt file full of lines like this: 1 00:00:00,767 --> 00:00:00,800 (S 2 00:00:00,800 --> 00:00:00,834 (Sil...
  2. DaveR

    Docker Container Backup

    @ctrlaltdelete I'm going to borrow your bash code so my syno_app_mover script can save a backup of each container's settings before moving Container Manager. I notice your bash style changed a bit. BACKUP_DIR vs BackUpDir and IGNORE_CONTAINERS vs IgnoredContainer. Which is your current style...
  3. DaveR

    DS918+ startet nicht mehr und gibt keine serielle Ausgabe

    Thanks @Adama The DS918+ SynoBootLoader.conf that I created from a DS218+ was perfect. I amaze myself some times :)
  4. DaveR

    DS918+ startet nicht mehr und gibt keine serielle Ausgabe

    @Adama Can you provide the SynoBootLoader.conf too? The one I provided I edited a DS718+ SynoBootLoader.conf to suit a DS918+ and I'm not sure mine is 100% correct.
  5. DaveR

    Synology Photos Tags in Videodateien - seltsames Verhalten

    Any folder that starts with @ is a hidden system folder. You can see them via SSH. Dave@SENNA:~$ ls "/volume3/photo/Funny Signs" 'Back door.jpg' funny-signs19.jpg bottomless-pit-65-feet-deep.jpg 'Keep Left.jpg' 'Call police.jpg' 'like a ferrari.jpg'...
  6. DaveR

    HDD upgrade

    When you create the new SHR storage pool and then create a volume make sure btrfs is the selected file system for the volume. When you change the location of your shared folders to the new volume make sure to click on Erweitert and check that "Enable data checksum" is ticked.
  7. DaveR

    Synology Photos Tags in Videodateien - seltsames Verhalten

    Synology Photos creates a hidden @eaDir folder for each image or video file that contains 3 different size thumbnails and a SYNOINDEX_MEDIA_INFO file. I suspect when you use Neofinder to enter XMP tags in the video file Synology Photos sees the file has changed and deletes it's @eaDir folder...
  8. DaveR

    Expansion DX513 wird nicht an der DS920+ erkannt

    I wrote a script for using old DX and RX expansion units on the following Synology NAS DS1823xs+ DS1821+ DS1621+ DS1522+ DS1520+ DS923+ DS920+ DS723+ DS720+ RS1221+, RS1221RP+ RS822+, RS822RP+
  9. DaveR

    DS918+ startet nicht mehr und gibt keine serielle Ausgabe

    Here's a SynoBootLoader.conf for a DS918+ I'm looking for a SynoBootLoader..efi
  10. DaveR

    DS918+ startet nicht mehr und gibt keine serielle Ausgabe

    Partition 1 (synoboot1) contains boot files from the DSM version that the NAS originally arrived with. Which would be DSM 6.1.3-15152 for a DS918+ (although I suspect files from any later version would work. Partition 2 (synoboot2) contains boot files from the currently installed DSM version...
  11. DaveR

    DS918+ startet nicht mehr und gibt keine serielle Ausgabe

    The Insyde is empty on both of mine as well. But the EFI folder contains: EFI/boot/SynoBootLoader.conf EFI/boot/SynoBootLoader.efi Insyde/ SynoBootLoader.conf and SynoBootLoader.efi are different on both my Synology NAS that use efi. Your missing SynoBootLoader.conf would probably look like...
  12. DaveR

    wie komme ich in den /lib/modules Ordner?

    When I wrote "package" I was thinking of you :ROFLMAO: When I wrote "script" I was thinking of me... until I had a look and thought, no, I'm not doing that.
  13. DaveR

    wie komme ich in den /lib/modules Ordner?

    That github repo could do with a package, or script, that inexperienced people can use to easily install, and uninstall, the drivers.
  14. DaveR

    Neue HDD in DS218play - RAID 0 - ohne Konfigurationsverlust möglich?

    As soon as you remove 1 of the RAID 0 drives all your data is gone. But DSM and your settings remain. Backup your data from the 4TB drives to a USB drive. Export the DSM system configuration to the USB drive: " Control Panel > Update & Restore > Export". Then use Hyper Backup to backup...
  15. DaveR

    Notfallcode kommt nicht an

    All of my emails from my Synology are from and to the same email address.
  16. DaveR

    HDD Upgrade

    If Western Digital's specs are true then the 10TB are twice as loud.
  17. DaveR

    DS920+ vs DS923+

    AMD do make embedded Ryzen CPUs with an iGPU but Synology chose not to use it. The DS224+ and DS423+ both have an Intel CPU with an iGPU.
  18. DaveR

    HDD Upgrade

    10TB WD Red and WD Red Pro are loud. The larger and smaller drives are quieter. Get 12TB or 8TB. Or get 10TB Seagate Ironwolf. If you buy enter prise drives like Toshiba or Seagate Exos make sure you buy SATA drives and not SAS.
  19. DaveR


    You can use RAID F1 if you want. See
  20. DaveR

    data deduplication auf unsupported DS und unsupported SSDs

    The --tiny option only exists in case someone has a Synology with 16GB of memory but wants to use tiny deduplication instead of regular deduplication. Like if they 8GB of memory allocated to VMs and regular deduplication slows down the NAS too much.